SMSF Audit

Our audits are conducted in accordance with the governing rules, Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SISA) and the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (SISR). Audits are conducted by an ASIC-approved SMSF auditor.

SMSF audits start from $275(incl GST) for audit of "cash-only" SMSF. This can go up to $495(incl GST) for funds with complex investment products such as derivatives, options, warrants and Contract-For-Difference. In general the average audit fee is $385(incl GST) for SMSFs with direct shares and a few managed investments.

New SMSF (First year audit) $330 (incl GST)
SMSF with cash only $275 (incl GST)
SMSF with up to 10 listed shares $385 (incl GST)
SMSF with more than 10 listed shares or CFDs or Derivatives $495 (incl GST)

Turnaround time is 7 to 14 days.

Trustees need to provide Financial Statements which includes Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet), Statement of Income (Profit & Loss) and Member Statement.

  1. Trust deed plus any Deed of Variation
  2. Membership application for all members of the fund.
  3. If your SMSF has a corporate trustee, please provide the company constitution and latest ASIC company statement.
  4. ATO Trustee declarations (for SMSFs setup after 1 July 2007)
  5. Previous year tax return, financial statements, minutes and signed Audit Report.
  6. Current year Investment Strategy.
  7. Current year tax return
  8. Current year financial statements and notes to financial statements.
  9. Bank statements. Please annotate employer contributions, member contributions, dividends or distributions.
  10. Term deposit statements
  11. Share trading confirmations. Capital gain/loss calculations.
  12. Portfolio Summary for 30 June 20XX (if applicable)
  13. Invoices eg. accounting fee, audit fee, ASIC annual review, strata levy, water, council rates, repairs, etc
  14. Rental income and expenses summary (if applicable)
  15. CFD and Options confirmations and trading reports
  16. Dividend Statements
  17. Distributions and Annual Tax Statements
  18. Rollover Benefit Statements (if any)
  19. Certificate of Title and Purchase contract if SMSF owns rental property
  20. Latest market valuation for rental property.

Additional information may be requested to complete the audit.

The documents may be posted, emailed or dropped at the office.

If your fund needs auditing, please contact us via email at or phone 08 9440 0871.

We do not audit superfunds which we have prepared the tax return for. If we prepared the tax return, the audit work will be given to an independent auditor who is external to ME Superfund or an auditor of your choice.

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Chartered Accountants

Jimmy CK Chong is a Chartered Accountant & registered tax agent. Contact him via:
Tel : 08 9440 0871
Mob : 0433 117 110
Email :

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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