
We don't set-up SMSFs. You need to see a licensed Financial Adviser to determine is an SMSF is a good investment strategy for you.

For the preparation of your SMSF accounts and tax, we charge a tiered fee depending on the opening fund balance for the year.

Opening fund balance Cost for preparing tax return and financial reports
under $500,000 $660 (incl GST)
$500,000 to $1,000,000 $900 (incl GST)
$1,000,001 to $3,000,000 $1100 (incl GST)
more than $3,000,000 $3,000 (incl GST)

There is no restriction to which bank you use or which stock broker you are with. Unlimited transactions, unlimited investments. You can have 5 shares or 50 different shares in your portfolio, be trading 5 times a year or 5 times a day. You can have artworks and collectables in your SMSF. The accounting fees are flat.

Funds with pension and accumulation accounts but unsegregated assets need an actuarial certificate. An acturial certificate costs an additional $110.00. For example fund balance under $500k, the total fee is $660 + $110 = $770

The above fees does not include Auditor fees. We don't audit tax and financial statements prepared by us. Audit fees are charged separately by an independent external auditor and it costs $330 to $500 in general for funds with direct shares, term deposits and a few managed investments. SMSFs with artworks and collectables, dealing with derivatives, options and CFDs, rental property and non-standard investments will cost up to $495 to audit. Problem funds that contravene the SIS Act and have not taken steps to resolve the contravention will cost more than $495 to audit. Please read our article on the types of investments you buy or not buy in your superfund.

If interested, go through this checklist of documents required to prepare the tax return and audit. Click NEW SMSF Checklist.

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Chartered Accountants

Jimmy CK Chong is a Chartered Accountant & registered tax agent. Contact him via:
Tel : 08 9440 0871
Mob : 0433 117 110
Email : jchong@superfund.me

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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