
Self-managed superfunds are small superfunds with four members or less. Our costs for administering SMSF and preparing the tax returns are :

Opening fund balance Cost for preparing tax return and financial reports
under $500,000 $660 (incl GST)
$500,000 to $1,000,000 $900 (incl GST)
$1,000,001 to $3,000,000 $1100 (incl GST)
more than $3,000,000 $3,000 (incl GST)

Administration services include data entry, calculation of notional tax, updating market values of investments and producing monthly reports. 

There is no restriction to which bank you use or which stock broker you are with. Unlimited transactions, unlimited investments. You can have 5 shares or 50 different shares in your portfolio, be trading 5 times a year or 5 times a day. You can have artworks and collectables in your SMSF. The accounting fees are flat.

Funds with pension and accumulation accounts but unsegregated assets need an actuarial certificate. An acturial certificate costs an additional $110.00. For example fund balance under $500k, $660 + $110 = $770

These fees do not include audit fees. Audits are performed by an independent auditor selected by us or your own auditor.

Setup fees for new SMSF are described in detail under the FEES webpage. Click here.

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Chartered Accountants

Jimmy CK Chong is a Chartered Accountant & registered tax agent. Contact him via:
Tel : 08 9440 0871
Mob : 0433 117 110
Email :

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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